Gifted is a term used to describe people with the potential for high achievement. There are many areas in which a person can be gifted. Gifted people think and process information differently than their typical peers. They may be more emotionally and intellectually sensitive than students of average intelligence. At the same time, due to uneven development (asynchrony) or their learning differences, they may struggle with what other kids do easily. Gifted children may also struggle with perfectionism, poor social skills, behavioral problems (due to underlying stress, anxiety, boredom, and lack of motivation), and hyper-sensitivity to stimuli. Gifted children often benefit from opportunities for acceleration, differentiation, and enrichment in areas of talent. Examples of learning strategies to implement may include:
Emphasizing critical and creative thinking;
Providing in-depth explorations within interest areas;
Arranging mentorships with professionals in areas of interest;
Using interdisciplinary themes;
Posing real-world problem-based learning experiences;
Modifying assignments to showcase gifts;
Providing differential pacing in areas of strength and challenge;
Offering options to use strengths and preferred learning styles;
Using the methods of practicing professionals;
Using visual imagery, rhythm, and music;
Providing choice, interest, and creative product option;
Using multiple modalities for instruction;
Meeting and work with other gifted students.
You are not alone.
At Midwest Psychological Services we regularly conduct gifted testing and provide services to address associated social/emotional/behavioral symptoms.
Contact us today at 314-319-3148 or
info@midwestpsychservices.com to get the support you need.